Machine Learning Control (MLC)

MLC is a branch of control theory
employing data-driven methods of machine learning
for control design.
In a pure form of MLC,
control design is considered as a regression problem:
Find the control law which minimizes a given cost function.
This optimization may be performed in a model-free manner directly in the plant.
Evolutionary algorithms, like genetic programming,
are powerful regression techniques of machine learning (Fig. 1, right).
A pioneering example for genetic programming control has been provided by Dracopoulos & Kent (1977)
for the stabilization of satellite motion.
MLC may also start with a structure of a control law
and employ data-driven methods to optimize parameters.
One example is a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller
with the coefficients optimized by a genetic algorithm (Fig. 1, bottom, 3rd column).
In some cases, a MLC may use an neural network to learn a optimal control law (Fig 1, top, 3rd column).
The optimal controller may have been derived from a direct numerical simulation while the neural network
learns to reproduce the control commands from sensor signals (Lee et al. 1997).
MLC becomes particularly powerful for complex systems with strong nonlinearities, like feedback turbulence control.
Figure 1: Overview of model-free control methods from
Brunton & Noack 2015 AMR.
Model-free control involves the choice of control law structure
as well as the optimization of controller parameters.
Representative publications of our team
- Duriez, T., Brunton, S. L. & Noack, B.R.) (2016)
"Machine Learning Control - Taming Nonlinear Dynamics and Turbulence."
Series 'Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications' 116,
Springer-Verlag (in print).
(html) - Brunton, S. L. & Noack, B. R. (2015) "Closed-loop turbulence control: Progress and challenges". Applied Mechanics Reviews (online) (html).
- Gautier, N., Aider, J.-L., Duriez, T., Noack, B. R., Segond, M. & Abel, M. W. (2015) "Closed-loop separation control using machine learning". Journal of Fluid Mechanics 770, 242-441
- Debien, A., von Krbek, K. A. F. F., Mazellier, N., Duriez, T. Cordier, L., Noack, B. R., Abel, M.W. & Kourta, A. (2016)
"Closed-loop separation control over a sharp-edge ramp using genetic programming".
Experiments in Fluids 57 (3), article 40, pages 1-19 (html) - Parezanovic, V., Cordier, L., Duriez, T., Noack, B.~R., Bonnet, J.-P., Segond, M., Abel, M. W., & Brunton, S. L. (2016) Frequency selection by feedback control in a turbulent shear-flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (in print).
- Duriez, T., Parezanovic, V., Laurentie, J.-C., Fourment, C., Delville, J., Bonnet, J.-P., Cordier, L., Noack, B.~R., Segond, M., Abel, M. W., Gautier, N., Aider, J.-L., Raibaudo, C., Cuvier, C., Stanislas, M. & Brunton, S. (2014) Closed-loop control of experimental shear layers using machine learning (Invited). Paper, 7th AIAA Flow Control Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Selected talks about MLC
- Bernd R. Noack & friends.
"Closed-loop turbulence control using machine learning"
2015-07-16, Seminar, Institute of Combustion Engines and Transportation, Poznan University of Technology, Poland. - Steven Brunton,
Bai, Z., Brunton, B., Kutz, N. & Noack, B. R.
"Data-driven modeling and control of complex systems: sparse sensing and machine learning (Invited)."
2015-07-10, SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications (CT15), Paris, France. - Markus W. Abel,
Niven, R. K., Noack, B. R., Shafi, K. & Quade, M.
"Symbolic regression for optimal control functions (Invited)."
2015-07-10, SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications (CT15), Paris, France. - Bernd R. Noack, Cordier, L.,
Parezanovic, V., Bonnet, J. P.,
Gautier, N., Aider, J.-L.,
Raibaudo, C., Cuvier, C., Stanislas, M.,
Debien, A., Mazellier, N., Kourta, A.,
Abel, M. W., Duriez, T., Brunton, S. L. & Niven, R. K. 2015
Closed-loop turbulence control using machine learning (Invited).
"Data-driven modeling and control of complex systems: sparse sensing and machine learning (Invited)."
2015-07-10, SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications (CT15), Paris, France. - Thomas Duriez,
Noack, B. R., Cordier, L., Parezanovic, V., Bonnet, J.-P.,
Segond, M., Abel, M. W., Gautier, N., Aider, J.-L., Raibaudo, C., Cuvier, C., Stanislas, M.,
Debien, A., Mazellier, N., Kourta, A., Brunton, S & Niven, R. K.
"Feedback control of turbulent shear flows by genetic programming (Invited)."
2015-06-19, 13:30, Seminar of the Departmet of Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. - Bernd R. Noack,
Duriez, T., Cordier, L., Parezanovic, V., Bonnet, J.-P.,
Segond, M., Abel, M. W., Gautier, N., Aider, J.-L., Raibaudo, C., Cuvier, C., Stanislas, M.,
Debien, A., Mazellier, N., Kourta, A., Brunton, S & Niven, R. K..
"Closed-loop turbulence control using machine learning (invited)."
2015-05-19..20 Workshop on Model Order Reduction of Transport-dominated Phenomena (Org. Beattie, C. & Mehrmann, V.), Academy of Sciences, Berlin. - Bernd R. Noack
and Markus Abel.
Compact course "Taming Turbulence with Machine Learning Control".
2015-04-29..30, ISM, TU Braunschweig, Germany. - Steven L. Brunton, Kutz, J. N., & Noack, B. R.
"Self-tuning complex systems and data-driven control of turbulence (invited)".
2015-04-20..24 Symposium "Wither Turbulence and Big Data In The 21st Century," IESC, France. - Bernd R. Noack
Cordier, L., Parezanovic, V., Bonnet, J. P., Abel, M. W., Duriez, T. & Brunton, S.
"Closed-loop turbulence control using machine learning (invited)".
2015-04-20..24 Symposium "Wither Turbulence and Big Data In The 21st Century," IESC, France. - Richard Semaan, Kumar, P., Burnazzi, Tissot, G., Cordier, L. & Noack, B. R.
"Reduced-order modeling of the flow around a high-lift configuration with unsteady Coanda blowing (invited)".
2015-04-20..24 Symposium "Wither Turbulence and Big Data In The 21st Century," IESC, France. - Bernd R. Noack
with Cordier, L., Parezanovic, V., Kaiser, E., Abel, M. W., Brunton, S. & Duriez, T & Niven, R. K.
"Closed-loop turbulence control using machine learning ".
2015-02-22 Seminar, Fachbereich Mathematik & Statistik, University of Konstanz, Germany. - Markus W. Abel, Segond, M., Duriez, T., Cordier, L., Noack, B. R. & Brunton, S.
"MLC - Control strategiew with machine learning (invited)".
2015-02-12..13 SFB 880 Workshop "Flow Control", Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany. - Bernd R. Noack, Duriez, T., Cordier, L.,
Segond, M., Abel, M. W., Gautier, N., Aider, J.-L., Raibaudo, C., Cuvier, C., Stanislas, M.,
Debien, A., Mazellier, N., Kourta, A., & Brunton, S.
"Closed-loop turbulence control of experimental shear flows using MLC (invited)."
2015-02-12..13 SFB 880 Workshop "Flow Control", Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany. - Ruiying Li, Barros, D., Duriez, T., Cordier, L., Noack, B. R., Boree, J. & Ruiz T.
"Drag reduction of an Ahmed body - From open-loop forcing to machine learning control (invited)".
2015-02-12..13 SFB 880 Workshop "Flow Control", Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany. - Kai von Krbek, Duriez, T., Cordier, L., Noack, B. R.,
Debien, A., Mazellier, N. & Kourta, A.
"Closed-loop separation control over a smooth ramp to machine learning (invited)".
2015-02-12..13 SFB 880 Workshop "Flow Control", Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany. - Laurent Cordier, Tissot, G., Pivot, C. & Noack, B. R.
"DMD reduced-order models and sparsity-pomoting DMD (invited).".
2015-02-12..13 SFB 880 Workshop "Flow Control", Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany. - Marek Morzynski, & Noack, B. R.
"Modal response of incompressible flow to external actuation - frequency domain approach (invited).".
2015-02-12..13 SFB 880 Workshop "Flow Control", Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany. - Bernd R. Noack
with Cordier, L., Parezanovic, V., Kaiser, E., Abel, M. W., Brunton, S., Duriez, T & Niven, R. K.
"Closed-loop turbulence control using machine learning ".
2015-01-27 Seminar at the Research Training School LORENTZ FORCE, Technical University Ilmenau, Germany. - Bernd R. Noack
with Cordier, L., Parezanovic, V., Kaiser, E., Abel, M. W., Brunton, S. & Duriez, T & Niven, R. K.
"Closed-loop turbulence control using machine learning ".
2015-01-14 Seminar of the Institut de Mecanique des Fluides de Toulouse, France. - Bernd R. Noack
with Cordier, L., Parezanovic, V., von Krbek, K., Segond, M., Abel, M. W., Brunton, S. & Duriez, T.
"Machine Learning Control (MLC) --- a novel method for optimal control of complex nonlinear systems".
2014-11-23..25, San Francisco, CA, USA (67th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics of the American Physical Society). - Thomas Duriez
with Parezanovic, V., von Krbek, K., Cordier, L., Noack, B. R., Bonnet, J.-P.,
Segond, M., Abel, M. W.,
Gautier, N., Aider, J.-L.,
Raibaudo, C., Cuvier, C., Stanislas, M.,
Debien, A., Mazellier, N., Kourta, A.,
Brunton, S.
"Closed-loop control of experimental shear flows using MLC".
2014-11-23..25, San Francisco, CA, USA (67th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics of the American Physical Society). - Vladimir Parezanovic with Cordier, L., Noack, B. R., Spohn, A., Bonnet, J.-P., Duriez., T.,
Segond, M., Abel, M. W., Brunton, S.
"Closed-loop control of an experimental mixing layer using MLC".
2014-11-23..25, San Francisco, CA, USA (67th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics of the American Physical Society). - Bernd R. Noack
with Duriez, T., Cordier, L., Segond, M., Abel, M., Brunton, S.,
Parezanovic, V., Delville, J., Bonnet, J.-P.
"Closed-loop turbulence control using reduced-order modelling and machine learning"
2014-07-09 Seattle, WA, USA (Seminar of the Department of Applied Mechanics, University of Washington). - Bernd R. Noack
with Duriez, T., Cordier, L., Segond, M., Abel, M., Brunton, S.,
Parezanovic, V., Delville, J., Bonnet, J.-P.
"Closed-loop turbulence control using reduced-order modelling and machine learning"
2014-06-30 16:00 Vienna, Austria (Kolloquium über neuere Arbeiten auf dem Gebiete der Strömungslehre und Mechanik, TU Wien). - Bernd R. Noack
with Duriez, T., Cordier, L., Segond, M., Abel, M., Brunton, S.,
Parezanovic, V., Delville, J., Bonnet, J.-P.
"Closed-loop turbulence control using machine learning"
2014-06-24 16:30 Berlin, Germany (ISTA Seminar, MB13, 10623 Müller-Breslau-Str. 11). - Thomas Duriez,
Parezanovic, V., Laurentie, J.-C.,
Fourment, C., Delville, J., Bonnet, J.-P.,
Cordier, L., Noack, B. R., Segond, M., Abel, M. W.,
Gautier, N., Aider, J.-L.,
Raibaudo, C., Cuvier, C., Stanislas, M. & Brunton, S.
Closed-loop control of experimental shear layers using machine learning (Invited talk).
2014-06-16..20, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (7th AIAA Flow Control Conference) - Bernd R. Noack,
Duriez, T., Parezanovic, V., Laurentie, J.-C., Schlegel, M.,
Kaiser, E., Cordier, L., Spohn, A., Bonnet, J.-P.,
Morzynski, M., Segond, M., Abel, M. W. & Brunton, S.
"Closed-loop turbulence control
- A systematic strategy for the nonlinearities (Invited talk)".
2014-03-31..04-03, Savannah, Georgia, USA (SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ14)). - Markus Abel, Segond, M., Duriez, T., Cordier, L., Parezanovic, V., Noack, B. R.,
Bonnet, J.-P., Morzynski, M. & Brunton, S.
"Turbulence control by machine learning (Invited talk)."
2014-03-12, Erlangen, Germany (85th Annual Meeting ot the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Friedrich-Alexander Universität). - Marc Segond, Abel, M., Duriez, T., Cordier, L., Parezanovic, V., Noack, B. R.,
Bonnet, J.-P., Morzynski, M. & Brunton, S.
"Genetic programming for control of dynamical systems - a new generic framework (Invited talk)."
2014-03-12, Erlangen, Germany (85th Annual Meeting ot the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Friedrich-Alexander Universität). - Bernd R. Noack
with Kaiser, E., Duriez, T., Cordier, L.,
Spohn, A., Parezanovic, V., Delville, J., Bonnet, J.-P.,
Segond, M., Abel, M.W., Daviller, G., Brunton, S., & Niven, R.K.
"Turbulence modelling and control using entropy principles"
2014-02-27 Munich-Garching, Germany (Bayesian Forum, Max-Planck-Institut f¨r Astrophysik). - Bernd R. Noack,
Vladimir Parezanovic and
Eurika Kaiser
with Cordier, L., Duriez, T., Delville, J., Bonnet, J.-P.,
Segond, M., Abel, M., Morzynski, M. & Brunton, S.
''Closed-loop turbulence control - modelling and exploiting the nonlinearities''
2014-02-13, Palaiseu, France (Seminar of LadHyX). - Bernd R. Noack
with Cordier, L., Duriez, T.,
Parezanovic, V., Delville, J., Bonnet, J.-P.,
Segond, M., Abel, M., Morzynski, M. & Brunton, S.
"Closed-loop turbulence control using reduced-order modelling and machine learning (Invited talk)"2014-01-30..31 Aachen, Germany (Computational Science & Engineering (CompSE) Workshop, RWTH Aachen). - Markus Abel et al.
"Control in machine learning"
2014-01-21, 16:00, Berlin, Germany (Institut für Theoretische Physik, AG Nichlineare Dynamik und Kontrolle, EW 731, 10623 Hardenbergstr. 36a). - Bernd R. Noack
with Duriez, T., Cordier, L., Segond, M., Abel, M., Brunton, S.,
Morzynski, M., Laurentie, J.-C., Parezanovic, V., Bonnet, J.-P.
"Closed-loop turbulence control - Modelling and exploiting the nonlinearities"
2014-01-20 16:00 Berlin, Germany (SFB 1029 Seminar, ER 201, 10623 Hardenbergstr. 36a). - Bernd R. Noack
with Kaiser, E., Duriez, T., Cordier, L.,
Spohn, A., Parezanovic, V., Delville, J., Bonnet, J.-P.,
Segond, M., Abel, M.W., Daviller, G., Brunton, S., & Niven, R.K.
"Turbulence modelling and control using entropy principles (Keynote talk)"
2013-12-17 Canberra, Australia (33rd International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering (MaxEnt 2013)). - Eurika Kaiser
with Noack, B.R., Cordier, L., Spohn, A., Segond, M., Abel, M., Daviller,
G., Berger. Z.P., Shea, P., Glauser, M. & Niven, R.K.
"Cluster-based reduced-order modelling of a mixing layer"
2013-12-17 Canberra, Australia (33rd International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering (MaxEnt 2013). - Vladimir Parezanovic
with Duriez, T., Cordier, L., Delville, Bonnet, J.-P., Noack, B.R., Segond, M., Abel, M. & Brunton, S.
Machine Learning Control (MLC) of a turbulent mixing layer experiment
2013-12-19 Palaiseau, France (ENSTA-UME Seminar). - Bernd R. Noack, Vladimir Parezanovic & Eurika Kaiser
with Duriez, T., Cordier, L., Delville, Spohn, A., J., Bonnet, J.-P., Noack, B.R., Segond, M., Abel, M. & Brunton, S.
"Closed-loop turbulence control - Modelling and exploiting the nonlinearities".
2013-12-05 Meudon, France (Séminaire de Meca-Flu, ONERA). - Bernd R. Noack
with Duriez, T., Cordier, L., Segond, M., Abel, M., Brunton, S.,
Morzynski, M., Laurentie, J.-C., Parezanovic, V., Bonnet, J.-P.
"Closed-loop turbulence control with machine learning methods"
2013-11-24..26, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (66th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics of the American Physical Society). - Eurika Kaiser
with Noack, B.R., Cordier, L., Spohn, A., Segond, M., Abel, M., Daviller, G. & Niven, R.K.
"Cluster-baser reduced order modelling of a mixing layer".
2013-11-24..26, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (66th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics of the American Physical Society). - Bernd R. Noack,
Thomas Duriez and
Eurika Kaiser
with Parezanovic, V., Cordier, L., Delville, J., Bonnet, J.-P., Segond, M., Abel, M. & Brunton, S.
"Closed-loop turbulence control - Modelling and exploiting the nonlinearities"
2013-10-24 Orsay, France (Séminaire de Mécanique d'Orsey, LIMSI). - Thomas Duriez
with Parezanovic, V., Cordier, L., Delville, J., Bonnet, J.-P., Noack, B.R.,
Segond, M., Abel, M. & Brunton, S.
"Closed-loop control of complex systems".
2013-10-18, Paris, France (Seminar of the PMMH, ESPCI). - Bernd R. Noack
with Duriez, T., Cordier, L., Parezanovic, V., Delville, J., Bonnet, J.-P., Kaiser, E., Spohn, A.,
Segond, M., Abel, M. & Brunton, S.
"Closed-loop turbulence control - Modelling and exploiting the nonlinearities".
2013-10-15, Göteborg, Sweden (Seminar, Department of Applied Mechanics, Chalmers University). - Bernd R. Noack, Thomas Duriez & Eurika Kaiser
with Parezanovic, V., Cordier, L., Delville, J., Bonnet, J.-P., Spohn, A.,
Segond, M., Abel, M. & Brunton, S.
"Closed-loop turbulence control - Modelling and exploiting the nonlinearities".
2013-09-20, Braunschweig, Germany (Seminar of the Sfb 880, Institute of Fluid Mechanics, Technical University of Braunschweig).