National Talent Professor at Harbin Institute ot Technology, Shenzhen, ChinaProfessor at TU Berlin
Fellow of the American Physical Society
Google scholar
Google scholar (for China)
Semantic scholar (free in China)
Orcid ID: 0000-0001-5935-1962
News ...
- 2022-07-25..09-05 Bernd R. NOACK, Bing LI and Xiaozhou HE
host the 1st International Forum for Artificial Intelligence in Mechanical Engineering (IFAIME-2022)
with the leading pioneers of our field (Virtual Symposium)
- 2022-02-17 Bernd R. NOACK becomes an "Outstanding Faculty" at HIT
---Thanks to his outstanding team and collaborative network!
- 2021-01-06 Bernd R. NOACK receives the Shahyar Pirzadeh Memorial Award of the American Institute in Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) for the Outstanding Paper in Meshing, Visualization and Computational Environments from the AIAA 2021 Scitech Forum honorin Fernex, D., Weiner, A., Noack, B.R. & Semaan, R., "Sparse Spatial Sampling: A mesh sampling algorithm for efficient processing of big simulation data" (AIAA-2021-1484).
- 2021-12-12 Daniel FERNEX, Richard SEMAAN and Bernd R. NOACK receives the Hermann Blenk Award of the Lower Saxony Aviation Center, Braunschweig
- 2020-09-12 FAN Dewei receives the 2020 Outstanding Research Award of the Center for Turbulence Control, HIT Shenzhen, for his work on AI control for jet mixing
- 2020-07-07 xROM--A Toolkit for Reduced-Order Modeling of Fluid Flows. Manual + Code by R. Semaan, D. Fernex, A. Weiner & B. R. Noack B.R. Noack
- 2020-02-24..28 Bruessels, Belgium
VKI Workshop on "Machine Learning for Fluid Mechanics
by Miguel ALFONSO MENDEZ, Andrea IANIRO, Bernd NOACK & Steven BRUNTON.
Other speakers: Scott DAWSON, Stefano DISCETTI, Stefan GÖRTZ, J. JIMÉNEZ and Peter SCHMID.
- 2018-06-12 Ruiying Li
received the
Prix de Thèse 2018, Pôle Aerospace Valley des régions Nouvelle Aquitaine & Occitainie
(Photo from aerospace-valley.com)
- 2017-12-13 Ruiying Li defended her PhD with a dissertation on "Aerodynamic drag reduction of a square-back car model using physics-based and linear genetic programming control" at the University of Poitiers (joint supervision with Jacques Borée and Laurent Cordier)
- 2017-11-28 Charles Pivot defended his PhD with a dissertation on "Closed-loop flow contral with reinforcement learning" at the University of Poitiers (joint supervision with Laurent Cordier and Lionel Mathelin)
- 2017-11-07..09 Bernd Noack gave a compact course "Mathematical Methods of Turbulence Control" at the Technische Universität Berlin.
- 2017-10-18..30 Bernd Noack gave a compact course "Mathematical Methods of Turbulence Control" at the Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen Graduate School.
- 2017-08-21..24 Bernd Noack gave the plenary talk on "Closed-loop turbulence control---From human to machine learning" at the 4th Symposium on Fluid Structure-Sound Interactions and Contrpl (FSSIC), Tokyo, Japan.
- 2017-07-09..14 Symposium on "Flow Control and Its Applications" at the IFAC 2017 World Congress, Toulouse, France (Organized by C. Airiau, R. King and B.R. Noack)
- 2017-07-06..07 2nd Workshop on Machine Learning Control at the Universitéte de Valenciennes et du Hainaut.Cambrésis (Organized by L. Keirsbulck, M. Derfoort, C. Chovet and B.R. Noack).
- 2017-05-18 Bernd Noack receives his letter of appointment as honorary professor and chair of "Turbulence Control" at his alma mater TU Berlin, Germany.
- 2016-11-20 Machine Learning Control textbook by T. Duriez, S.L. Brunton & B.R. Noack
- 2016-09-20 Diogo Barros is finalist in the ERCOFTAC Leonard da Vinci competition for his Dissertation. He was the only representative of West France. He continues his career as PostDoc at the University of Minnesota
- 2016-08-26 Workshop on "Turbulence Dynamics and Control honoring Professor Helmut Eckelmann's 80th birthday" at MPISD, Göttingen, Germany (Organized by B.R. Noack, J. Wallace and H. Noboch)
- 2016-02-16..7 First Workshop on Machine Learning Control at LIMSI (Organized by L. Mathelin, B.R. Noack and L. Cordier)
- 2016-01 Bernd NOACK is affiliated with LIMSI-CNRS, Paris-Saclay area
- 2015-12 Diogo BARROS defended his PhD in Poitiers
- 2015-12 Eurika KAISER defended her PhD in Poitiers. Eurika continues her career with a prestigeous Sloan eScience fellowship at the University of Washington.
- 2015-10 Course "Mathematical Methods of Turbulence Control" by B.R. Noack and R. Semaan, ISM, TU Braunschweig
- 2015-09 Applied Mechanical Reviews article by S.L. Brunton & B.R. Noack
- 2015-08: Summer school Peyresq
- 2015-08: SIAM CT15 Minisymposium (S.L. Brunton and B.R. Noack)
- 2015-04: Bill George Workshop (J.P. Bonnet, B.R. Noack, et al.
- 2015-08: Bayesian Control 2015 (Organized, by R.K. Niven, B.R. Noack and L. Cordier)
- 2013: IFTNC-1 & 2
Academic background
I am Research Director CNRS at LIMSI-CNRS, Paris-Saclay, France, Visiting Professor at Harbin Institute of Technology, China, Honorary Professor and Chair of << Turbulence Control >> at TU Berlin, Germany, Professor and Chair of << Flow Modelling and Control >> at TU Braunschweig, Germany, and Invited Professor at ENSMA, France. We work on closed-loop turbulence control solutions for transport and energy systems. Born in 1966, I received a degree as diplom physicist from the Georg-August-University, Göttingen, in 1989. I stayed on to receive the physics doctorate in 1992. In the sequel, I had positions at the Max-Planck-Institut für Strömungsforschung, Göttingen, the German Aerospace Center, Göttingen, the Göttingen University, the United Technologies Research Center (East Hartford, CT, USA) and the Berlin Institute of Technology, where I was Professor and Chair of ''Reduced-Order Modelling for Flow Control''. In 2009 I joined the Institute PPRIME, Poitiers, France as Research Director CNRS. I also became Head of the Senior ANR Chair of Excellence ''Closed-Loop Control of Turbulent Shear Flows using Reduced-Order Models (TUCOROM).'
Academic lineage
- 2007 Adopted member of William K. George Clan originating from Leonhard Euler
- 1992 Dissertation of Bernd R. Noack under Helmut Eckelmann.
- 1970 Dissertation of Helmut Eckelmann (Born 12.05.1936 in Göttingen) under Hans Reichardt and Ernst-August M¨ller.
- 1928 Dissertation of Hans Reichardt (Born 1.03.1901 in Hannover, died 26.11.1977 in Göttingen) under Arnold Euken. Prof. Euken was also the PhD father of Manfred Eigen (1967 Nobel price in chemistry).
- Arnold Euken's academic lineage continues as follows: 1887 PhD of Euken; 1863 Nernst (1920 Nobel prize in chemistry); 1827 Kohlrausch; 1800 Schweiger; 1783 Hildebrandt; 1768 JF Gmelin; 1742 PF Gmelin; 1722 Mauchardt; 1691 Camerarius Jr; 1663 Camerarius Sr; 1646 Metzger; 1640 Möbius; 1625 Rolfink; 1603 van den Spieghel; 1559 Hieronymus Fabricius; 1547 Fallopio; 1520 Brasavola; 1446 Leoniceno ; 14?? Bonisoli da Lonigo; 1416 da Feltre; 1408 da Verona 1??? Chrysoloras; 1??? Kydones; 1363 Kabasilas; 13?? Palamas; 1315 Metochites; 1??? Bryennios; 1??? Chioniades; 1??? Shams ad-Din Al-Bukhari; 1??? Nasir al-Din al-TusiM 1??? Kamal al Din Ibn Yunus, a famous mathematician and astronomer (950-1009).
- 1953 Dissertation of Ernst August Müller under Walter Tollmien
- 1924 Dissertation of Walter Tollmien (Born 13.10.1900 in Berlin; died 25.11.1968 in Göttingen) under Ludwig Prandtl
- 1900 Dissertation of Ludwig Prandtl (Born 4.02.1875 in Freising, died 15.08.1953 in Göttingen) under August Otto Föppl
- 1886 Graduation of August Otto Föppl (1) (2) (Born 1854 in Groß-Umstadt, Hessen, died 1924 in Ammerland) under Heinrich Bruns and Felix Klein. The lineage continues with the 1871 PhD of Heinrich Bruns; 1841 Weierstraß 1823 Gudermann; 1796 Thibaut; 1739 Kästner (and Georg-Friedrich Lichtenberg); 1713 Hausen; 1685 Wichmanshausen; 1665 Mencke; 1643 Thomasius; 1622 Friedich Leibzig (advisor unknown). The lineage from Felix Klein contains Gauß Pfaff and merges again with the Bruns lineage.